All Classes and Interfaces

Filters Tweets according to their country code
Empty Tweet filter: all Tweets are accepted
Reacts to the reception of a new hashtag by updating how many times it has been seen so far, and sending to its subscribers the updated list of the most popular ones.
Reacts to the reception of a new Tweet by parsing its text to look for hashtags.
Filters Tweets according to the detected language.
Mimics the TwitterStreamSampleReaderSingleton class.
Mimics the TwitterStreamSampleReaderSingleton class.
Mimics the TwitterStreamSampleReaderSingleton class.
Produces Tweets without connecting to the Twitter API (recorded or crafted Tweets)
Starting April 2023, this class can no longer be used with a "Free" access plan to the Twitter API.
Starting April 2023, this class can no longer be used with a "Free" access plan to the Twitter API.
Reacts to the reception of a new Tweet, if the Tweet matches the filter condition, downstream subscribers are notified, otherwise the process is silent.
Introduces Tweets into the system.
Connects to the Twitter search stream endpoint and search for Tweets with given keywords (minimum 1, maximum 5).
Classe pour agréger les hashtags provenant d'un topic Kafka et afficher les meilleurs hashtags.
Reacts to the reception of a new Tweet, if the Tweet matches the filter condition, downstream subscribers are notified, otherwise the process is silent.
Acts as a proxy to Twitter changes web stream for a Kafka-based application: Reads the stream of Tweets flow and writes them to a Kafka topic.
Connects to the Twitter sampled stream endpoint that delivers a roughly 1% random sample of publicly available Tweets in read-time.
Filter Tweets according to the creation year of the author's account
Classe pour visualiser les hashtags populaires en utilisant des données d'un topic Kafka.